Saturday, July 28, 2007

Exploring to keep a promise

I promised one of the mothers of De'Kidz Band that I will create more "Recycled Musical Ware" for them to play with so I have been on a look out for ideas.

I picked up a plastic packing material for apples at the fruit stalls and discovered that they make great sounds if you rubbed them with your wet finger tips. I also love the sound of running my spoon over glass bottles, especially in spots where there are indentations.

Today, I discovered Annie Brunson who has a degree in Music and Theater from Bretton Hall. She has taught piano, oboe, and middle school band. She believes that a child's involvement with music is a huge bolster to their self-worth, their confidence and their creative spirit.

To encourage you to do it, she teaches you how to create homemade musical instruments with everyday items. So, check out these free video clips showing you her "how tos":

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